Monday, May 4, 2015

i have such an inclination towards getting inked, its been there for i guess a little more than a year now. problem was/is - i dont know the best design for me. i do have a few(actually many) favorites, like -

this one is very likely to get inked on my fingers. i mean look at it, it gives me the vibes: live, love, be free !

not  very sure about this, but its nice.

this one is a fine art, i want it, but something is stopping me.

This will be inked, no doubts, no questions.

i really need something fine and 'not-very-attention-drawing' on my neck, not sure what though. i dont think its this.

Of course yes, YES.on my left wrist.

i'm not able to decide between closed wings and wings apart(below)

YES. same position, my arm.

yes, only the one on her left wrist, not the right arm finger(for now)

yes, i'm a cancerian !

well these were a few(or may be all i need, i may also go for a small little owl on the upper arm) that pull me towards them.

Now quite thoughts arise:
why do we ink ourselves? does it give us a sense of belonging? do we feel like the person we were seeking to be? do we breathe more comfortably? would it reduce overwhelm? will the stars align?
and i feel it would. i hope so ! but what if it doesnt !

okay, thanks for going through this.
hope your dots connect.

if u have been inked, give me some tips :)